Our Impact

Our Impact

The true work of Boys & Girls Clubs–the heart of what they do– lies fittingly at the center of our Formula for Impact. To create the optimal Outcome-Driven Club Experience, Clubs provide high-yield activities and targeted programs, actively encourage young people to attend more frequently, and employ Five Key Elements for Positive Youth Development.
The latter component emerged as critically important in a 2004–05 research effort conducted by the Search Institute and BGCA to identify quality strategies and practices that Clubs use to promote the positive, healthy development of youth. The findings showed that Clubs have the potential to increase their impact on young people when they make concerted efforts to implement
five key elements in their operations.

These Five Key Elements for Positive Youth Development are:
  • A Safe, Positive Environment
  • Fun
  • Supportive Relationships
  • Opportunities and Expectations
  • Recognition

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